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Our Attitude to our Customers

A Customer ...is the most important person in any business.
A Customer ...is not dependant on us - we are dependant on him.
A Customer ...is not an interruption of our work - he is the purpose of it.
A Customer ...does us a favour when he calls - we are not doing him a favour by serving him.
A Customer ...is part of our business - not an outsider.
A Customer ...is not a cold statistic - he is a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like ours.
A Customer ...is not someone with whom to argue or match wits.
A Customer ...is a person who has a demand - it is our job to satisfy these demands.
A Customer ...is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give him.
A Customer ...is the fellow who makes it possible to pay your salary, no matter what position you hold in the company.
A Customer ...is the cornerstone of our entire organisation.